Lecture 3
1. Social Strategy: Instagram
a. Inspirational posts showing all types of athletes
b. Community events
c. Posts celebrating diversity
d. Posts gently encouraging followers to get moving
e. Posts celebrating activity
2. Social Strategy: Twitter
a. Promoting products
b. Lifestyle content
c. Press
d. Inspiration
Why this works?
1. They know their audience
2. They know why they’re different
3. They’re consistent
4. They speak directly to their audience
How to get work:
1. Repeat business
2. Referrals/networks
3. Proactive business development/marketing
4. Reputation
Repeat business
- Clients are happy with their work and come back to them because they are consistent
- If clients can’t afford to do everything they want to do, they work with them to decide what to work on now and what to work on later
- Clients come back because they know [] understands their brand and what is needed. New agencies won’t be as familiar.
- Often, clients develop closer relationships with their tema at [], so they enjoy working on projects with their team.
- It is easier to work with an existing partner than to find a brand new one.
- [] follows up with clients regularly. This maintains strong relationships and sometimes sparks new projects.
· Go out of your way to work with your clients, not for them. Be collaborative
· If you can go above and beyond the initial ask with a minimal amount of effort, try to do it
· Always let clients know what could be possible and any creative ideas you might have
· If it doesn’t require a lot of effort, always be around to help
· If it doesn’t require a lot of effort, always be around to help
· Understand that how you work is just as important as the work you produce
· It’s always better to say no to a project than to do a poor job on it
· Make sure your clients know everyhitng that you’re capable of
· Try to get them excited about the next project
· Stay in touch with clients after the project is finished. Check in regularly, to see what they’re working on
- Clients often refer their contacts to []
- Clients refer coworkers working on other projects to []
- In the early days, [] folks invested a lot of time at talks, events, conferences to build up a network
- [] folks invested time applying to give talks and speak on panels
- [] folks take time to talk to old friends, coworkers, colleagues, etc. and stay in touch with people consistently
- [] will talk to most people, even if the project doesn’t seem to be a good fit.
o By ebing helpful and making a good impression, leads will call them back with future projects
· Keep in touch with old colleagues and friends from ___
· If you see someone doing what you’d like to be doing, invite them for a coffee so you can learn more about them
o This is flattering and people generally like talking about themselves, so most people will say ‘yes’!
· Keep in touch with old clients. Catch up with them regularly
· Don’t be afraid to ask your friends for help on projects you’re struggling with, this will encourage them to do the same for you and help you do better work on the project
Proactive(상황을 앞서서 주도하는) business development + marketing:
- [] frequently updates social channels sharing new work
- [] folks actively pursue writing articles. Appearing on podcast, sharing viewpoints and ideas
- [] sometimes reaches out to clients they want to work with
- If a potential client interacts with a social post about their work, [] will sometimes actively reach out to start a conversation with that person
- Their website is consistently updated with new projects and information
· Be active on social media. It reminds people that you exist and that your work is good
· Writing about your process and experience is helpful. Non-creatives aren’t always sure how to work with creatives or how creatives work. Your sharing will help them learn
· Don’t be shy in reaching out to clients you might want to work with
· If you have time, produce the type of work you want to work on (More on this later)
· Proactively engage with people on social media
· Keep your site regularly updated and don’t be shy sharing updates on social media or even sharing it with past clients
- A track record of progressive and provocative work
- Awards
- Longstanding relationships with big, impressive clients
- Continually trying new things, starting projects just-for-fun, and sharing experimental creative work
- [] has been working in the cdreative industry for a very long time
- Working with notable brands
- Working on attention-grabbing projects
· Be strategic about the work that you show. Don’t show the sort of work that you don’t want to work on
· Sharing side projects helps show that you care about your craft and shows off your creative skills
· Producing consistent work will help build your reputation over time
· Promptly and professionally communicating, producing great work, and being organized all contributes to a great reputation
Your tool
- Instagram:
o Share the sort of work you’d like to be paid to do
o Maintain a nice mix of completed work, side projects, and personal stuff
o You can always start a dedicated Instagram account for your work to share on your website/business cards
o People use IG to discover new work and new products to buy – so share your creative work and use it to sell
o Use multi-paneled posts to show users your process
o Proactively follow and engage potential clients and collaboration
o Instagram is a great tool to extend your network
o Instagram is great for selling product. You can link to your website or sell directly on the platform
- Twitter:
o Twitter is a less visual medium than Instagram, but that means that more non-createive folks are on there (good opportunity to connect with them)
o Use twitter to link to your website, case studies, Instagram, and connect with other creatives
o Use twitter to keep an eye on other creatives you look up to
o Use twitter to stay up to date with clients or brands you might want to work with
- LinkedIn:
o Share your (creative) work experience
o Linkedin is a great resource for finding freelance gigs or full-time work
o Use Linkedin to connect with potential employers or clients
o Use LinkedIn to learn the career trajectory of other creatives (see their employment history)
o Promote your skills and website on LinkedIn – not a lot of illustrators are on LinkedIn, but lots of other people are!
- Your website
o Use your website to show off who you are (bio), what you do (portfolio), and how you do it (process)
o Process photos and copy will show all of the work, and thought that goes int your pieces and help clinets understand why things take so long
o Your website can act a s your online shop
o You can update your website with news, what you’re currently working on, and pretty much any other creative ideas you might have to promote your work
o Your website is a great place to talk about and promote your side project
- Communities:
o Being actively engaged in communities related to the work you’d like to do is a great way to jumpstart your career and network
o Look for events related to the type of work or clients you’d like to do work for
o Finding the right collaborators to compliment your skills and style will have a big impact on making your work even better
o Attending events is a great way to connect with potential clients or employers
§ It shows your interested, curious, and passionate about your work
- Marketing Campaign
o A specific, defined series of activities used in marketing a new product or service
o Consider what tools you have and which activities you need to take to accomplish your goals
o You will need to articulate this (and why it will work for you) by the end of this semester
o Unique perspective =
Our taste +
Cultural references +
Influences/Inspirations +
People around us
§ Your unique perspective is valuable because it is what makes your work (and working with you) truly one-of-a-kind
- Our marketing campaigns will help communicate this unique perspective to folks
- Your website
o Will consists of many different parts:
§ Your logo
§ Top navigation
§ Your footer
§ Your homepage
§ Your ‘portfolio’ page
§ Your ‘about’ page
§ Pages for key pieces in your portfolio
§ Maybe a page about your process
§ Maybe a blog page
o Sitemap – wireframes for key pages – writing our copy and choosing work = researching platforms – registering on our platform – choosing our template – registering our domain – adding our content – customizing and editing – sending it to everyone we know!
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W2 Social Media 브랜딩 요약 (0) | 2021.01.24 |